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Hello and thank you all for responding to a posting regarding becoming a surrogate mom. I am looking for candidates willing to consider helping me start a family of my own. More about me in the “My Story” tab of this site including the GC process and what is involved. On this page I have listed some information explaining what a GC is and minimum requirements. I sincerely hope you would consider becoming a surrogate mother and help me start a family.

The gift of life be a surrogate mom!

A gestational carrier, also known as a gestational surrogate, is a woman who carries and gives birth to a baby for another individual or couple. In gestational surrogacy, the embryo implanted in the carrier’s uterus is created using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donated gametes, meaning the carrier has no genetic relation to the child she carries and gives birth too.

The gestational carrier’s role involves providing a safe and nurturing environment for the embryo’s development throughout the pregnancy. She must adhere to medical advice, attend prenatal appointments, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and follow any contractual agreements with the intended parents or surrogacy agency. The gestational carrier forms a supportive relationship with the intended parents, offering reassurance and communication about the pregnancy, ultimately helping them realize their dream of parenthood when they are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves.

Know the minimum requirements

Age 21-40: Surrogates typically aged 21-40.
Good Physical Health: Surrogates must be physically healthy.
Mental Health Stability: Surrogates must be mentally stable.
Body Art: Surrogates must have no excessive tattoos or body piercing.
Criminal Background: Surrogates must be free of any prior criminal related history.
Previous Successful Pregnancy: Surrogates must have had a successful pregnancy.
Non-Smoker/Non-Drug User: Surrogates must refrain from smoking and drugs.
Supportive Partner/Family: Surrogates should have supportive families.
Stable Living Situation: Surrogates must have a stable home.
Financial Stability: Surrogates should be financially stable.
Willingness to Follow Medical Advice: Surrogates must follow medical advice.
Legal Eligibility: Surrogates must be legally eligible.
No History of Pregnancy Complications: Surrogates should have uncomplicated pregnancy histories.
Agreement to Legal and Ethical Guidelines: Surrogates must agree to legal and ethical guidelines.
Good Communication Skills: Surrogates must communicate effectively.
Screening and Background Checks: Surrogates must be willing to undergo screening and checks.
Medial Health: Surrogates must be willing to a medical and physical screening.
Preparedness for Gestational Bonding: Surrogates must be emotionally prepared for bonding. prepared for bonding.

benefits of becoming a gestational carrier

Helping Others: One of the primary benefits is the opportunity to help individuals or couples who are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term on their own. By becoming a gestational carrier, you can play a crucial role in helping someone achieve their dream of parenthood.

Emotional Fulfillment: Many gestational carriers find deep satisfaction in knowing that they have made a significant, positive impact on another person’s life. The emotional fulfillment of helping someone else create or expand their family can be immensely rewarding.

Financial Compensation: Gestational carriers receives financial compensation for their services. While the exact amount can vary depending on various factors such as location and individual circumstances, the compensation can provide financial support for the carrier and their own family.

Medical Care and Support: Throughout the surrogacy journey, gestational carriers receive comprehensive medical care and support from healthcare professionals. This includes prenatal care, screenings, and monitoring to ensure both the carrier’s and the baby’s health and well-being.

Bonding Experience: For some gestational carriers, the experience of carrying a child for someone else can create a unique bond between themselves and the intended parents. This bond can lead to lasting relationships and connections that extend beyond the surrogacy journey.

Personal Growth: The surrogacy process often involves extensive screening, counseling, and legal procedures, which can contribute to personal growth and self-awareness. Many gestational carriers report gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their own motivations through the surrogacy experience.

Positive Impact on Children: By participating in gestational surrogacy, you are contributing to the well-being of children who may not have otherwise been born. This can have a lasting, positive impact on the lives of those children and their families.

It’s important to note that while there are many potential benefits to becoming a gestational carrier, it’s also a significant commitment that requires careful consideration and preparation. Prospective carriers should thoroughly research the process, understand the potential risks and challenges involved, and consult with medical professionals, counselors, and legal experts before making a decision.

How you can help

The decision to become a Surrogate Mother is just as important as starting your own family. This requires support from your family and spouse while keeping close contacts with the intended parent(s). If you’re interested in helping me start a family, I would love to hear from you. Simply click the button below and send a message, it takes is very little of your time.

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Notice to all brokers, agents or intended family agencies – no solicitation or assistance required.

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